Monoprotein RyDog Vital Menu Organic Beef (Vitalmenü Bio-Rind) 200g (6 Piece)

RyDog Vital Menu Organic Beef (Vitalmenü Bio-Rind)

Beef / potato / carrot 16 Testimonials
  Preparation Completely balanced dog food. Ready to serve, best served at room temperature.   Special features of RyAnimal meals ... read more
Size Price/Base weight Selling price
200g, 6 Piece € 17.90/kg 21.48 €
400g, 6 Piece € 12.30/kg 29.52 €
800g, 6 Piece € 8.74/kg 41.94 €
incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process
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RyDog Vital Menu Organic Beef (Vitalmenü Bio-Rind) 200g (6 Piece)
RyDog Vital Menu Organic Beef (Vitalmenü Bio-Rind) 200g (6 Piece)
RyDog Vital Menu Organic Beef (Vitalmenü Bio-Rind) 200g (6 Piece)
RyDog Vital Menu Organic Beef (Vitalmenü Bio-Rind) 200g (6 Piece)
RyDog Vital Menu Organic Beef (Vitalmenü Bio-Rind) 200g (6 Piece)
Monoprotein RyDog Vital Menu Organic Beef (Vitalmenü Bio-Rind) 200g (6 Piece)

A hearty portion of beef provides your dog with plenty of energy for the day. Carrots and potatoes are added to the dish to create a simply delicious meal. The added fructo-oligosaccharides also help support a healthy gut and immune system.




Completely balanced dog food. Ready to serve, best served at room temperature.


Special features of RyAnimal meals

  • wholesome meat products
  • contains only meat which has been approved for human consumption
  • contains only natural raw ingredients
  • delicately prepared using a cold filling process
  • home delivery service
  • free from sugar and other flavour enhancing substances
  • free from soya and corn
  • free from preservatives and colourings
  • free from attractants and fillers
  • free from animal meal
  • free from plant and cereal flours
  • no animal testing


List of foodstuff

Beef muscle meat*) 74 %
Beef liver*)
17 %
Beef spleen*) 6 %
Beef lung*) 3 %
Totel meat 89 %
Carrots 4 %
Potatoes 2 %
Peas 1 %
Share < 1 %:
saccharide, calcium, salt
1 %
Total 100 %

*) from organic farming
Muscle meat includes skeletal muscles as well as heart and stomach muscles.



Meat and animal-by-products, vegetables, minerals


Analytical components

14.4 % pure protein, 6.4 % raw oils and fats, 0.5 % raw fibre, 0.9 % crude ash, 77.4 % moisture, 0.16 % calcium, 0.13 % phosphorous, 0.20 % sodium, 8 mg/kg copper, 18 mg/kg zinc, 5 mg/kg manganese


Nutritional supplements

Vitamin D3: 250 IE/kg

Feeding recommendation

Feeding recommendation (daily ration):

Base is the normal weight of the adult dog.

Dogs with 2-5 kg: 100-200 g
Dogs with 6-25 kg: 200-600 g
Dogs with 26-40 kg: 600-800 g

For a precise calculation of the feed amount, contact your Anifit advisor or use the Anifit Food-Calculator.

Häufige Fragen

Ist das Futter für Welpen geeignet?

Ja, die Nährwerte dieser Mahlzeit erfüllen die Voraussetzungen für Welpen. Weitere Informationen zur Fütterung von Welpen finden Sie in unserem Tipp „Welpe - Einzug ins neue Zuhause

Ist das Futter für ältere Hunde (Senioren) geeignet?

Ja, die Nährwerte dieser Mahlzeit erfüllen die Voraussetzungen für ältere Tiere. Weitere Informationen zur Fütterung von Senioren finden Sie in unserem Tipp „Fütterung von Senioren

Wie lange ist das Futter haltbar?

Sobald die Dose geöffnet wurde, sollte diese innerhalb von zwei Tagen aufgebraucht werden, da alle unsere Gerichte bewusst keine Konservierungsmittel enthalten. Die Aufbewahrung im Kühlschrank hilft, das Produkt möglichst frisch zu halten: unsere praktischen Schnappdeckel sind optimal, um den Geruch in der Dose zu belassen und das Produkt zu schützen. Füttern Sie aber das Gericht aber bitte nicht kalt, sondern leicht erwärmt (z.B. indem Sie etwas heißes Wasser darüber gießen). Das schmeckt nicht nur den Tieren besser, die Mahlzeit kann so auch leichter verdaut werden.

Besteht die Möglichkeit, das Produkt einzufrieren?

Wenn Sie das Produkt sofort nach dem Öffnen einfrieren, ist das möglich.

Wie hoch ist das Calcium-Phosphor-Verhältnis?

Die Werte für Phosphor und Calcium finden Sie unter den analytischen Bestandteilen im Register „Zusammensetzung". Wesentlich ist, dass der Calcium-Wert immer höher ist als der Phosphor-Wert.

Ist das Futter Purin-arm?

Die Anifit-Gerichte zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Fleischanteil aus und enthalten dadurch auch Purin. Der Durchschnittswert an Harnsäure der Anifit-Gerichte liegt bei ca. 80 mg/100g. Als purinarme Flocke empfehlen wir unsere Purin-low Flocken.

Warum wird Salz zugesetzt?

Salz ist ein wichtiger Mineralstoff für den Körper, sein Zusatz ist notwendig, damit im Produkt ausreichend Salz vorhanden ist. In Beutetieren von Wölfen etwa ist Salz im Blut enthalten und wird von dort aufgenommen.

Welche tierischen Nebenprodukte verwendet Anifit?

Die von uns verwendeten Bestandteile sind bei jedem Gericht in der Liste der Einzelfuttermittel aufgeführt. Wir verwenden nur Pansen, Herz, Leber, Hähnchenmägen, Milz, Karkassen, Lunge, Schlund und Strossen.


Product information

All-in-one feed for dogs (all life stages: puppies, adult and senior dogs)

Available in 200 g, 400 g, 810 g sizes

Produced in Sweden


Our company (Provital GmbH) is certified organic by BCS Öko Garantie GmbH (DE-ÖKO-001) and certified by TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH according to ISO-9001.

What our customers say

Jede Verbraucherbewertung wird vor ihrer Veröffentlichung auf ihre Echtheit überprüft, sodass sichergestellt ist, dass die  Bewertungen nur von Verbrauchern stammen, die die bewerteten Produkte auch tatsächlich erworben/genutzt haben. Die Überprüfung geschieht durch Abgleich der Kundendaten mit den bei uns getätigten Bestellungen. Bewertungen von nicht zugeordneten Personen werden nicht veröffentlicht.

Jacky Dear Anifit Team, Thanks to Mrs Gaigl's dog training, we have been successful with our dog Jacky, who was previously a problem dog, strictly speaking. He had the sceptre in his "paw". As we were given the wrong information at the time, he really danced around on our noses. He didn't listen, let alone let us tell him what to do. He thought he was the boss and we were the subjects. Thanks to a very nice, patient dog trainer with no prejudices against punks;), who was always on hand with help and... Dear Anifit Team, Thanks to Mrs Gaigl's dog training, we have been successful with our dog Jacky, who was previously a problem dog, strictly speaking. He had the sceptre in his "paw". As we were give... Read review Due to food intolerance to Ry dog and Anifit Dear Anifit Team, My dog Bubi, almost 2 years old, had a food intolerance. Since I've been feeding him Ry dog beef, he has virtually no more flatulence, no itching, a shiny coat and he no longer spits up. Unfortunately, at 25kg he needs an 800g tin + 4 tablespoons of buckwheat to keep his weight down. So the feed costs are a lot higher than expected. Best regards Jessica Dökmetas This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, My dog Bubi, almost 2 years old, had a food intolerance. Since I've been feeding him Ry dog beef, he has virtually no more flatulence, no itching, a shiny coat and he no longer spit... Read review Best experiences with Anifit Hello Anifit team, Our shorthaired collie Devan (2 years and 4 months) is quite a sensiebel, so we tried a few things and then got the tip from a collie breeder to try Anifit. Of course, not all varieties were successful, but we had the best experiences with "Wiitwe Bolte" and "Gockels Duett". He likes it and - most importantly - he tolerates it. Best regards Kerstin This product review was translated automatically. Hello Anifit team, Our shorthaired collie Devan (2 years and 4 months) is quite a sensiebel, so we tried a few things and then got the tip from a collie breeder to try Anifit. Of course, not all vari... Read review Pünktchen loves the RyDog vitality menus Dear Anifit team, Even as a puppy, my dog Pünktchen was given Anifit menus and hasn't had to change her diet since. After a few months of different wet menus from "Gockels Duett" to "Falscher Hase" and "Goldener Ochsen", I discovered the Rydog vitality menus from Provital and thought I had to try them and ordered all three varieties: beef, lamb and chicken. Pünktchen is a so-called "canine gourmet" and the beef variety from Rydog was just right for her. Lamb is not quite her taste and she also ... Dear Anifit team, Even as a puppy, my dog Pünktchen was given Anifit menus and hasn't had to change her diet since. After a few months of different wet menus from "Gockels Duett" to "Falscher Hase" a... Read review
Allergy dog notices the difference Hello Anifit team, Unfortunately we have a dog with allergies and after a long ordeal we ended up with Anifit. We use Rydog Vital Menu Organic Beef and our dog is absolutely delighted. The bowl is empty in no time at all and the dog is finally feeling better again. Thanks to the food, we finally have an agile, pain-free dog again. You can see and smell the difference to cheap food as soon as you open it. So it's better to have this high-quality food and a healthy, happy dog than some cheap rubb... Hello Anifit team, Unfortunately we have a dog with allergies and after a long ordeal we ended up with Anifit. We use Rydog Vital Menu Organic Beef and our dog is absolutely delighted. The bowl is em... Read review Amy loves her chicken treats Hello dear Anifit team, Amy has now also tried the chicken treats and I think she would do anything to get the whole bag in one go. We are still in the transition phase and still have to deal with flatulence and occasional soft faeces. But.... it is getting better. The food Gockel's Duett, Witwe Boltes Schrecken and the RyDog Vital Menu Organic Beef are very well accepted. She is always ready to be fed. But what has impressed me the most so far is the human support. There is always someone t... Hello dear Anifit team, Amy has now also tried the chicken treats and I think she would do anything to get the whole bag in one go. We are still in the transition phase and still have to deal with ... Read review Deeks thinks the wet food is great We are totally enthusiastic about the wet food mentioned above. Since Deeks switched from pure barf to the Anifit wet food varieties (all varieties) we finally have TOLLES OUTPUT. You can only understand that masters and mistresses can enjoy good cocoa if you have almost only experienced diarrhoea. As his blood count 8 weeks ago (B12 deficiency, urine value and liver) was not optimal, another blood sample was taken today. We are curious to see if the values are better now It is also great ... We are totally enthusiastic about the wet food mentioned above. Since Deeks switched from pure barf to the Anifit wet food varieties (all varieties) we finally have TOLLES OUTPUT. You can only unde... Read review Turnip is doing well with ANIFIT Before switching to Anifit and 2 other high-quality organic dog foods, Rübchen had various health problems that occurred in bouts, such as watery diarrhoea and vomiting as well as red, itchy skin, especially in her ears and around her snout. She has been doing very well since the changeover. Rübchen loves eating Anifit, and I don't find it disgusting to smell the food either, whereas I often felt disgusted with other brands. My dog is allergic to carrots and cereals, so I can only order 2 of the... Before switching to Anifit and 2 other high-quality organic dog foods, Rübchen had various health problems that occurred in bouts, such as watery diarrhoea and vomiting as well as red, itchy skin, esp... Read review
Beautiful coat and more activity! Hello dear Anifit team, I got to know Anifit through a dog friend when I was out walking and ordered and tried it straight away. I have a 13 year old Beagle lady and have always fed her high quality food, but since I started feeding Anifit my dog is fitter and in a better mood. When we go for a walk (and she knows very well that there is something to eat after the walk) she always runs the last bit ahead and hurries home. I used to always have to wait for her. Now she runs to the car and barks.... Hello dear Anifit team, I got to know Anifit through a dog friend when I was out walking and ordered and tried it straight away. I have a 13 year old Beagle lady and have always fed her high quality ... Read review Quick feed changeover without problems I got my Maltese girl from the animal shelter. She was a breeding dog and 8 years old at the time. I was looking for a good food and eventually came across the name Anifit.I think my first order was at the end of 2018. The changeover was quick and super easy, she accepted the food without any problems. She eats every flavour with great pleasure. Thank you very much. This product review was translated automatically. I got my Maltese girl from the animal shelter. She was a breeding dog and 8 years old at the time. I was looking for a good food and eventually came across the name Anifit.I think my first order was ... Read review Vital thanks to Vital Menu Hello Anifit team, We have been feeding the wet food and Rydog Vital Menu for a week now. Our dog Winston has a sensitive stomach and doesn't tolerate all foods. We have fed him BARF since he was a puppy and were actually happy with it. Now he is 5 years old and we were concerned about his diet, as he is wild about faeces and licks everything off the floor that is not firmly attached. We became sceptical as to whether he was really getting all the nutrients from the BARF. We wanted to find a h... Hello Anifit team, We have been feeding the wet food and Rydog Vital Menu for a week now. Our dog Winston has a sensitive stomach and doesn't tolerate all foods. We have fed him BARF since he was a p... Read review More alert and full of life thanks to ANIFIT Dear Anifit Team, I have been looking for a high-quality and affordable wet food for my dog Lilly for a long time because there was always something wrong with it. Either she often had diarrhoea, never or rarely touched it, or it simply contained significantly more broth than meat and looked less appetising. Fortunately, since I started feeding her wet food from Anifit or RyDog, these complications are now a thing of the past. You can recognise the ingredients it contains as soon as you open t... Dear Anifit Team, I have been looking for a high-quality and affordable wet food for my dog Lilly for a long time because there was always something wrong with it. Either she often had diarrhoea, nev... Read review
The lamb food is great! My Chihuhua has always had a very sensitive stomach and couldn't tolerate wet food. After a dental operation, I ended up with Anifit through my internet research and have no regrets! The new organic beef and organic lamb products are also great, they are currently our favourites! The varieties are very well tolerated and easy to portion in the small tin. For a small dog, 1 small tin is enough throughout the day. The consistency of the organic lamb is very pleasant and easy to chop up. There are ... My Chihuhua has always had a very sensitive stomach and couldn't tolerate wet food. After a dental operation, I ended up with Anifit through my internet research and have no regrets! The new organic b... Read review A small, picky gourmet dog Dear Provital Team, Our Lucky is now over one and a half years old. He is a Bolonka Zwetna mix.He is very picky when it comes to food. Also because he has a sensitive stomach.I became aware of your product range this year. Partly because I had read a few testimonials. Of course, I first ordered the taster pack to find out what Lucky likes and what he doesn't like.His favourites were quickly found. Lamb and sometimes chicken. Tendency towards lamb.Then your product range was extended a little an... Dear Provital Team, Our Lucky is now over one and a half years old. He is a Bolonka Zwetna mix.He is very picky when it comes to food. Also because he has a sensitive stomach.I became aware of your p... Read review Shiny soft coat and no more belly bubbling Our little Rudi 4 years old (Russian Toy Terrier) loves all types of wet food (Gockels Duett, Falscher Hase, Goldener Ochse .....).We recently tried the Vital Menu Organic Beef and Chicken. Rudi didn't hesitate for a second and the bowl was immediately empty. When he comes home from his walk, his anticipation is always great when he sees his food bowl.He literally licks the bowl clean. We also mix flakes into his food. Whether it's carrot flakes, natural flakes or vegetable mix. Everything is e... Our little Rudi 4 years old (Russian Toy Terrier) loves all types of wet food (Gockels Duett, Falscher Hase, Goldener Ochse .....).We recently tried the Vital Menu Organic Beef and Chicken. Rudi didn'... Read review Jack's change of food Sandra gave us great advice and we thank her for that. We are super satisfied. At first I was a little sceptical about changing my dog's food, but that quickly changed - for the better, of course :-) We came across a great brand that is also well tolerated by dogs with digestive problems and also places great value on species-appropriate pet food. Our Jack loves the Schmeckies and the wet food, he can hardly resist them and the bowl is always empty. This product review was translated automatic... Sandra gave us great advice and we thank her for that. We are super satisfied. At first I was a little sceptical about changing my dog's food, but that quickly changed - for the better, of course :-)... Read review

RyDog Vital Menu Organic Beef (Vitalmenü Bio-Rind)

Beef / potato / carrot 16 Testimonials
Size Price/Base weight Selling price
200g, 6 Piece € 17.90/kg 21.48 €
400g, 6 Piece € 12.30/kg 29.52 €
800g, 6 Piece € 8.74/kg 41.94 €
Adaptable at any time Loyalty points for every delivery Time-saving You select the delivery interval during the ordering process